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CBot - a ChatBot Screenshot 1
CBot - a ChatBot Screenshot 2
CBot - a ChatBot Screenshot 3
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About CBot - a ChatBot

This is a ChatBot app, learning more and more by every sentence you write with it. On start, it will repeat you because of the missing knowledge, but after a while it talks to you like a real human. It learns continiously by writing with the user. It is made for entertainment purposes. Lurzapps is innocent if the ChatBot learns violent speech from user.
Also, it has some executable basic commands, like:
- clear: Clear text of session
- reset_bot (needs 'yes' as confirmation): Resets the knowledge of the Bot
- savechat: Saves the chat in directory '/sdcard/Lurzapps/EasyBot/chatsave/[timestamp].txt'
- search [value]: searches text of the current session and marks it
- import [name]: imports before exported '.ubex' file saved in '/sdcard/Lurzapps/EasyBot/exports'
- export: exports the current knowledge to export dir as '[timestamp].ubex' file
- settings: edit setting ('.mbex'-File)
-lsknowledge: lists all knowledge of the CBot
-help/help2: show command help pages
For accessing a command, simply type it in the chatline and click on send.
- setlogin [true/false]: enables/disables login
-setun [value]: sets new username for login
- setpw [value]: sets new password for Login
- klexp: explore the knowledge

Tip: Be patient with this ChatBot. It needs time to learn from YOU.

If you like this app, please rate it and share it with your friends.
©Lurzapps 2017

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