Land Area Calculator use for measuring area calculator and distance on map
Land Area Calculator - Distance Calculator Map & Land Area Measurement is good application for measuring distance and area. Enter or click points on the map and then calculate area between all point. Best area calculator app free to download, you can use this field measurement app for free and calculate your area with perimeter calculator
When you travel on river or big cannot calculate area.With this application will help to do that things.
Amazing features like area calculater, field measurement, area, land survey and many options available. Land Area Calculator - Distance Calculator Map & Land Area Measurement application also support some other features such as: street view, maptools, compass, navigation, directions map,near me places,share current location,route finder….
- How does use land area measure or land area calculator application?
+ Click on map two or many points.The application will auto calculate distance,area and return result for you.
- Distance unit: m,km,ft,yd,mi,nautical miles.
- Area unit: m2,ha,km2,ft2,ac,mi2
+ Land measurement
- Measure distance between two points any on map. The unit default is “fit”,you can choose other unit example “m”…
- Search any address or coordinate to measuring area. Area calculator app is very good with calculate elevation of land.
- Save result measure area on map to storage, SDCard. You can share it to networks social such as facebook, instagram, zalo, viber, Line, messenger , Lite, twitter, SMS, WeChat, WhatsApp, Telegram, KakaoTalk…
- Load land area measurement
+ maptools
- Support many features such as zoom map ( - zoom out, + zoom in), show current location
- Support map view with mode : Hybrid map, Terrain map, Normal map and satellite map.
+ Compass
- Show True North
- Magnetic strength
- Show Altitude Speed
- Show Sensor State
+ Street View
- Street View famous places
+ Directions Map
- Navigation by driving,bicycling,transit and walking.With walking directions you can tracker real time location.
+ Near me place
- Restaurant near me, Bar near by, Coffee near places, gas station near me, he application supported find near me such as:
ATM,Airport,Bank,Bar,Beauty salon,Book store,Bus station,Car wash,Casino, Clothing Store,Coffee,Dentist,Doctor,Food,Gas station,Hospital,Hotel,Library,Movie Theater,Museum,Night club,Park,Police,Restaurant,School,Shopping mall,Spa,Store,Subway station,Supermarket,Taxi stand,Train station,Travel agency,University,Zoo...
+ Share current location
- Show exactly your current location in the real-time. Land Area Calculator - Distance Calculator Map & Land Area Measurement application can tracker your location when you move.
- Get current location, my location
+ Route Finder
- Enter start address (from A location) and end address (to B location). The application will auto draw route and calculate distance between two location.
- Navigation map
- Traffic maps & navigate
If you have any idea or feedback for Land Area Calculator - Distance Calculator Map & Land Area Measurement application.Please contact to us via email : [email protected]. Your support will help us improve application.
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