PICK provides you easily with comprehensive information on your KROHNE device by entering the serial number or serial number scan.
Scan: You can scan the DataMatrix code on your device. It is located on newer devices on the type plate or on a sticker on the device.
NFC scan: The first KROHNE devices with NFC chip are currently in preparation. So far as your mobile device has an NFC reader, you can also use this feature in the future.
Offline mode: If you are not online, PICK transfers the serial number to the device overview. You can later access the data and download it to your mobile device.
Product Availability:
The following KROHNE product groups are currently supported:
- Electromagnetic flowmeters
- Ultrasonic flowmeters
- Coriolis mass flowmeters
- Variable area flowmeters
- Vortex flowmeters
- Level meters
The following product groups are in preparation and will be available soon:
- Temperature Measurement
- Pressure Measurement
- Process Analysis
Data availability:
The following document types are available:
- Manuals
- Quick Starts
- Additional instructions
- Calibration certificates
- Parameter data sheets
- Type plates (PDF)
- Instruction Videos
Not all document types are available for all products equally. The database goes back to the 2006 production year. KROHNE is working hard to make the data fully available to new and older devices.
Language versions:
KROHNE is working hard to translate manuals into as many languages as possible. Nevertheless, some instructions are not available in all language versions for all products. Instructions with the same revision number are identical in content. So you can optionally switch to another language version, e.g. English.
Extension of the app and this document:
The PICK app and this help text is constantly improved and expanded with your support. Please ask your questions and write us your suggestions
E-mail: appsupport@krohne.com
We are happy to assist you and to incorporate your experience in the further development of the app and also in these hints.
Your KROHNE team
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