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About Ýükle

Ýükle mobil goşundusy Türkmenistan we daşary ýurt aralygynda daşalmaly dürli ýükler üçin import-eksport hyzmaty bilen islendik görnüşli transport çözgütlerini özünde jemleýär.

Ýükle ulgamyny ulanyjylar döwrebap we ýeňil interfeýs arkaly gerekli maglumatlary:

- Ýüküň adyny
- Nirden nirä ugradylýanlygyny
- Transport görnüşini (gara ýol, demir ýol, deňiz ýol, howa ýol, lomaý we bolekleýin konteýner)
- Senesini we agramyny
gorkezip, bildirişi goşýarlar. Ýükle ulgama bildiriş goşulan pursatyndan başlap, müşderi logistiki kompaniýalardan öz talaplaryna laýyk gelýän teklipleri alyp başlaýar.

Müşderä hem özüniň ýüki üçin gelen teklipleriň arasyndan iň amatlysyny saýlama mümkinçiligi döreýär.

Şeýle hem müşderi öz goşan bildirişleriniň sanawyny görüp, üýtgedip ýa-da aýyryp bilýär.
Mundan başga-da, müşderi bildiriş goşmazyndan ozal, ulgama agza bolup, logistiki kompaniýalarynyň habarlaşmagy üçin özüniň şahsy maglumatlaryny, ýagny doly adyny, telefon belgilerini, we sosiýal platformalard aky hasaplaryny paýlaşmaly bolýar.

BEYLEKI TARAPDAN, Logistik Kompanilar ýükle Ulgamyna Aggza Bolmazdan ýük Beriji Müşderiň Goan Bildirişlerini Görüp, Olary oslendigi Bilen Habarlaşyp, Teklipler I hödürläp bilíär.

Mobil goşundyny öz smartfonuňyza göçürip alyň we Ýükläniň güýjüni synaň!

The Ýükle mobile app encompasses a range of transport solutions for different types of load to be transported between Turkmenistan and abroad, providing import-export services.

This app users can easily access necessary information through a modern and user-friendly interface by indicating below details and adding a notification:

- Name of the load
- From where to where it is being sent
- Type of transport (road, rail, sea, air, wholesale, and partial container)
- Date and weight

From the moment a notification is added to the online app, the customer starts receiving offers that meet their requirements from logistics companies.
Customers also have the opportunity to choose the most suitable offer from those received for their load.

Additionally, customers can view, modify, or delete the list of notifications they have posted.
Also, before adding a notification, customers must register the app and share their personal details, such as their full name, phone numbers, and social media accounts, to facilitate communication from logistic companies.

On the other hand, logistics companies can view notifications posted by load clients on the Ýükle app without signing up and can contact any client to make their offers.

Download the mobile app to your smartphone and experience the power of Ýükle!

The Ýükle mobile application brings together a range of transport solutions for various types of goods that need to be transported between Turkmenistan and other countries, providing import-export services.

By providing these details and adding a notice:

- Name of the cargo
- Where does it come from and where does it go?
- Type of transport (road, rail, sea, air, bulk and partial container)
- Date and weight

Users of the Ýükle system can easily obtain the necessary information through a modern and user-friendly interface. From the moment the notification is added to the Ýükle system, the client begins to receive offers that meet his requirements from logistics companies.

Clients also have the opportunity to choose the most suitable offer from those received for their cargo.

Additionally, customers can view, edit, or delete a list of posted notifications.
Moreover, before adding a notification, customers must log in and share their personal details such as full name, phone numbers and social media accounts to facilitate communication with logistics companies.

On the other hand, logistics companies can view notifications posted by shipper clients in the Ýükle system, without logging in they can contact any client to offer their services.

Download the mobile application on your smartphone and feel the power of Ýükle!

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