Keep track of your portfolio performance or experiment with the forces of the market with our portfolio tracker. Maintain your watchlist, generate stock statistics and keep track of the ebbs and flows in the market with SGX Portfolio.
Stunning data visualizations for you to understand the market at one glance.
- Watchlist Manager
- Portfolio Tracker
- Smart Data Visualizations
- Stock Statistics Profile
- Stock Data Logging
This application is newly published. It is open for all users but do note that application might change should there be teething issues. All user data will most likely be retained and our services should be resumed seamlessly barring unexpected circumstances.
All information & services around ProLife GmbH.
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Alangkar Coop iSmart is smart mobile banking and finance app for customers.
Banking app that allows you to do much more than just banking.
Simple, secure, useful….just how a wallet should be.
Simle app to check Daily Gold Price in Algeria with Jewelry Calculators.
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