Easily add Points of Interest on WenkGPS platform without the need for internet
*Works with WenkGPS app*
By using WenkTag you can easily add Points of Interest on WenkGPS platform and without the need for internet service
WenkTag works as follows:
1- The user must enable location service then go near the point
2- When the user reaches the point of internest, he has t fill out the form in the application as follows:
* POI name
* POI class
* City
* Sector number
* POI guy full name
* POI guy phone number
* Attach an image for the POI
4- the user would add the point on WenkGPS platform by pressing on "Add" button, if there is no internet service then the data will be saved in the storage.
5- WenkGPS administrator can verify the POIs on WenkGPS platform that were uploaded from different users.
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