Humtalk is a Social Networking Platform. With our new feature, user can wonder posts, photos, and more!
Home/News Feed: Displays Posts, Photos, Files, Videos, and Maps posted by friends/followed people, Also story filters, follow/friends suggestions, and user activities list.
User Timeline: Displays user?s profile with Posts, Photos, Videos posted and shared by user.
Pages: you can create unlimited pages and invite your friends to like the pages.
Groups: you can create unlimited groups and invite/add your friends to your joined groups.
Games: you can play unlimited flash games.
Social Videos Support: you can easily share videos from the biggest videos sharing websites like Youtube, Dailymotion, Vine, Vimeo, Facebook videos & Soundcloud music
Photo Album: you can create unlimited photo albums with nice looking style.
Cover Picture: Dynamic Cover for users.
Profile Picture: Dynamic profile picture for users.
User Profile Info: Displays user’s profile information (birthday, website, gender, social media, about, last seen, etc).
Notifications: Receive notification from users (likes, dislikes, comments, wonders, shares .. etc)
#Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by users.
@Mentions: Use @username to tag people in a status or messages.
Post Publisher: Status, Sound cloud, YouTube, Vine, Google Maps, Videos, Files, Photos and emoticons.
Multi Languages: 5 Languages (Bangla, Arabic, English, Russian, Turkish) with the ability to add unlimited languages.
Verified Profiles/Pages.
Password recovery by email.
Comment auto detector
This App is dedicated to the EHL Network's members
Explore your neighbourhood, create landmarks, and connect with your community.
Connect and make new friends worldwide.
The app of the Schwarzwald AG - to make people and companies more competitive
The 24-hour church with you!
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