Slugterra Slugs Arsenal DataBase
Slugs are the magical creatures that are the main focus of SlugTerra, So, Slugterra Slugs Arsenal DataBase is your way to know about all of the Slugterra Slugs Arsenal.
They are magical creatures that transform into more powerful versions of themselves "when they hit the speed of 100 miles per hour".
Slugs are kept in special cylinder-shaped cases called slug containers. Blasters have three parts, the base, barrel and space for reloading in which slugs are fitted and then fired by fusing energy of slugs and blaster.
When these slugs are fired with the help of Blasters, they reach a speed of one hundred miles per hour and transform into a stronger form called a Velocimorph which can be highly destructive.
Once they are fired, they can only be re-used if their Slingers are fast in picking them up and reloading, otherwise they will return to one's hideout if one is friendly to them.
The Database contains all infos about:
• Slugs
• Ghouls
• Gears
• Evolution process
• Attacks
• Powers
• Transformation
• Abilities
• …
This is not an official database app, this is only made by fans.
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