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About 交錯戰線

"Intertwined Front" is a mecha girl RPG game. The player serves as the captain of the alien exploration project, recruits super-breasted mecha girl team members with various combat capabilities, and embarks on an interstellar journey to defend the earth and resist the shattered stars. , launching the biggest war in the Xinghai.

[Sexy attack]
The captain will encounter a large number of mecha beauties in the game. In addition to satisfying the pursuit of sexiness, they also bring a sense of security during the battle. They are your strongest backing on the battlefield.

[Machine Teleportation]
Developed and produced using the large-scale humanoid mobile weapons brought back by Broken Star as a template, the Mecha is usually on standby in the Mecha warehouse. It has an exclusive space jumping device, which can teleport the Mecha according to the situation and change the battle situation with strong firepower.

[Full benefits]
Whether it is the summer beach or the season of dazzling fireworks, through various theme fashions and dynamic illustrations of the current period, the various unknown hobbies and non-combat private appearances of the machine girl team members are revealed bit by bit.

[Voice Feast]
The whispers and murmurs vividly performed by well-known voice actors will stir up your most sensitive nerves and let you feel the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the beautiful mecha girls in the game!

[Pair as you wish]
The mecha girls obtained through recruitment have different characteristics and abilities. Whether they are from the earth or broken stars, they can match each other under the arrangement and dispatch of the captain to challenge a variety of tactical offense and defense.

[Breeding of machine girls]
When the mecha team members participating in the battle reach the upper limit of the stage level, they will be able to "leap up". In addition to obtaining the leap talent to improve their own abilities, when they reach "leap level two", they can also unlock a new dynamic portrait of the team members.

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Privacy Policy and Statement:

※The game is classified into auxiliary level 15 according to the game software classification management method.
※The content of this game involves sex, violence, and inappropriate language.
※The plot of the game is purely fictitious, please pay attention to the usage time and do not indulge or imitate inappropriately.
※Some content requires additional payment. Do not use others to save it to avoid breaking the law.
※This game is published by Game Seeds and is authorized to be operated by Yishu Game Co., Ltd. as an agent. The service areas are limited to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.

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臉書專頁:浩瀚神界,風雲再起!北歐神話女神主題手遊驚豔亮相!融合即時戰略元素,有策略有微操的戰鬥卡牌遊戲,將帶給你全新的卡牌遊戲體驗。在遊戲中你將體驗到北歐神話中眾神的神威,並帶領她們施展神技、覺醒神格、復蘇神器、征服神界。諸多華美女神形象和絢麗~臉書專頁:遊戲特色1-炫酷技能特效,場面震撼女武士是遊戲中的基本作戰單位,分為4種職業。每個英雄有獨立的獲取培養進度,超越瑰色黑陽的美術表現,媲美龍珠激鬥的戰鬥能力。比劍俠情緣和劍網3的女性角色更英武,更神威浩蕩,神技撼世,傾心製作的炫酷特效,配合精美場景,帶來暗黑破壞神的不朽體驗,打響女神的保衛戰。2、多種對抗玩法,內容豐富誰說卡牌無對抗?神殿戰場、軍團混戰、同盟王座、公主遊戲、女神保衛戰……各種對抗玩法一應俱全,滿足你所有關於PVP的夢想!在神域召喚大天使,集結妖精的尾巴公會,喚醒大天使之劍奇跡,守護召集的天空的魔幻城和戰姬前線。類放開那三國的長線運營,後續加入約會、酒館戰等新玩法系統。比蒼之紀元更好的組隊玩法。3-北歐神話體系,神威浩蕩遊戲以北歐神話體系阿斯加德為舞臺,神域召喚全系北歐女神,相比女神聯盟2的女神更多,並且為每位女神量身打造了角色定位和專屬技能,帶你體驗身臨其境的王者榮耀,戰姬前線的少女之泉,探索地下城,訓練女勇士,與強大的魔獸對抗戰鬥,打造最潮的美女遊戲。4-精美角色原畫,視覺唯美超清女性畫質打造極致遊戲體驗!女神美女顏值戰力爆棚,期待與你並肩作戰;魔獸知名CV夏一可鼎力加盟,化身女神一路相隨。更有華麗酷炫的必殺技能、豐富多樣的副本戰場。崩壞3級的女神細節刻畫。5-指尖策略微操,體驗暢快自動掛機?不,手動超神!遊戲加入微操系統,給你更加爽快的戰鬥體驗。專屬必殺技戰鬥中,每個英雄都擁有一個專屬必殺技,需要手動指定目標釋放,觸屏拖拽 範圍打擊,觸屏拖拽指定範圍內目標 即可向目標釋放技能,操作簡單並具備一定操作策略性,比仙劍奇俠傳和少年三國志更強的策略性。最新版是一款以西方魔幻世界為背景打造的卡牌對戰手遊,遊戲中你可以搜集各種女神來進行戰鬥,遊戲畫面十分精緻,還有各種華麗的技能讓你輕鬆秒殺全場,感興趣的玩家趕快來下載體驗吧!...




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