Smart transportation makes traveling in Kaohsiung easy. Brand new upgrade! "Kaohsiung iBus+" mobile application service.
The Kaohsiung City Government Transportation Bureau has optimized the layout and functions of the existing functions of the "Kaohsiung iBus real-time bus information" mobile application service, combined with various public transportation real-time information and strengthened barrier-free ride services for the elderly and visually impaired, to provide More friendly transportation services. Several new features are as follows:
Mode preference: "General mode" and "Friendly mode" are provided for different user groups. "Normal mode" is suitable for ordinary users; "Friendly mode" provides a voice reading function, an interface with enlarged fonts and icons.
Weather information: Provide real-time weather and air quality forecast information based on the user's current location.
Support for reading registration function: For the elderly and visually impaired, the voice registration function is supported.
Public transportation information: The homepage combines public transportation tools to provide dynamic query services for nearby stops, allowing users to easily query and take advantage of them!
Real-time bus updates: Use quick keyboard, text keyboard or voice input to query real-time bus arrival information, station schedules and operating information.
Arrival reminder: Set arrival reminder with one click, making you feel more at ease when going out!
Journey planning: Provide the best route planning and easily master each journey.
Friendly services: Assist in implementing a friendly transportation environment and bus services, and provide low-floor bus and bus-style minivan registration services.
由高雄市政府交通局官方與銓鼎科技公司合作開發推出的ibus高雄公車動態查詢系統APP,是您搭乘高雄市大眾運輸的隨身必備最佳選擇!您是否還在煩惱不知道公車何時會到?附近站牌在那裡?要搭幾號公車才能到達目的地呢?【高雄iBus公車即時動態資訊APP】提供您最完整、最即時的公車資訊查詢服務,結合手機GPS定位功能,提供多項資訊貼心快速查詢如下:公車路線動態:提供您公車預估到站時間、搭乘車輛類型、站點附近捷運與自行車(UBike2.0)、路線地圖檢視、臨時改道資訊、站站時刻表等,交通局資訊更新維護最即時!站牌乘車規劃:提供您地圖站牌點到點最佳乘車路線規劃、捷運與自行車(UBike2.0)即時資訊。便民資訊:提供高鐵、台鐵、高捷、電子票證查詢等相關大眾運輸查詢資訊。我的最愛:根據您常用之站牌,加入我的最愛,讓您即時掌握站牌路線資訊。到站提醒:可設定多組公車「到站提醒」,不用擔心錯過您要搭乘的公車路線。公車式小黃:提供偏鄉公車路線,解決當地老弱就醫、孩童就學及平日採買的需求。預約公車/小黃:可設定「預約搭乘」公車/小黃,可提前預約不漏接。天候與空氣品質:提供您出門搭公車前最新高雄市天候與空氣品質概況,雨具、口罩、防曬準備免煩惱。英文版操作介面:讓外國遊客、朋友也能輕鬆操作查詢。Kaohsiung iBus APP is the best way to get the Kaohsiung city...
行動掛號APP提供的服務如下:1. 看診進度:提供門診看診進度,讓看診民眾隨時掌握看診進度資訊,讓看診的時程與行程安排更為方便與自由。2. 行動掛號:提供民眾來院門診看診掛號服務,掛號時,可即時查詢門診班表與預約狀況,有選科別、選日期與選醫師等門診班表查詢方式。常用掛號可直接選擇之前看過的科診,減少重新搜尋的時間3. 取消掛號:提供門診預約掛號查詢與取消掛號功能。4. 醫院資訊:提供醫院簡介。5. 交通指引:提供醫院地圖、交通路線與google map電子地圖路線規劃等完善來院交通資訊。6. 醫師簡介:提供各科別醫師學歷、經歷、專長等資訊,並可查詢該醫師門診班表來進行掛號。7. 系統設定:提供字體大小設定與編輯親友名單,節省掛號時基本資料輸入的時間。...
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