UPSC Study Circle is an app for UPSC exam preparation. Download the app to access high-quality mock test series and online classes for your upcoming UPSC CSE exams. Current Affairs PDFs, GK PDFs, PDF Course, Smart Analysis Quiz Daily & Weekly Quizzes, eBooks, and much more are also included.
UPSC Exams Preparation App - Study for UPSC CSE Exam
Practice for UPSC Exam Preparation App.
UPSC Study Circle Preparation Resources:
Online Mock Tests - Full mock test series for UPSC Prelims and Mains exams.
Online Live / Video Courses -: Real-time interactive classes. Every student is given individual attention. Every topic and section is thoroughly covered.
Online Topical and Sectional Quizzes: Daily practise and revision quizzes
PDFs: Special PDFs on current events, vocabulary, quantitative aptitude, puzzles, and other important exam topics were created by experts.
Daily Current Events: Get a daily current affairs PDF, a daily current affairs quiz, and other current affairs preparation resources.
UPSC Study Circle App Tests Series, Sectional Tests (Prelims + Mains), Topic Wise Tests (Prelims + Mains), Practice Quizzes, and other features are included in the Mock Tests Package.
UPSC Study Circle App Features
>>All mock tests, online video classes, and study materials will be bilingual, with content available in both Hindi and English, as well as Telugu.
>>All Mock Tests and Courses are created using the most recent exam pattern.
>>Experienced Faculty for Guidance and Mentoring.
>>Detailed Performance Analysis to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. >>Solutions to all Mock Test Questions.
>>PDF Study Materials for each online class.
>>Daily PDFs and Quizzes for Practice.
Note: Please keep in mind that we are not authorised to represent any government officials or entities. We may use government/private bank emblems inside the app to represent the Boards' recruitment examinations for a better understanding of students.
The names, logos, and images in this app are the property of their respective owners and are only used for identification and educational purposes. They came from a variety of official sources. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
The data is obtained from official announcement portals.
UPSC Study Circle App with no advertisements. Although the majority of the features and materials are included, premium products can be purchased separately.
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