Eastern Box Turtle Complete Care Guide: Diet, Habitat And More…
If you know someone with a pet Turtle, chances are that it’s a Box Turtle.
Box Turtles are some of the most common, and the Eastern Box Turtle is a particularly popular choice.
They are known for their beautiful box-like patterns on their dome-shaped shells, and are quite a common summer sight in the forests where they live.
Keeping a Box Turtle is a much bigger commitment than you might think – do you think you are ready for one? Read on to see if this is the right choice for your garden pond or paludarium.
There are six subspecies of Eastern Box Turtles, and they all belong to the Emydidae family.
By far the most popular is the true Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), so this guide will focus on this variety.
Coming from Canada and the US East Coast, they can live for 30 to 40 years. But if well cared for, they can live up to 100 years!
In many US states, the sale and trade of this native species is highly regulated. In states where they are not restricted, they can be purchased from reptile breeders for an average of $12 to $20. Within certain states, these Turtles are listed as endangered and cannot be kept without a permit. Many state-based conservation programs exist to protect the wild populations.
You should never buy them online or purchase mail-order hatchlings. The shipping experience can be very distressing for them, and it’s always best to see the Turtle in person to make sure it is healthy.
Make sure that the shell is well-formed and free of cracks or dents. They should be a healthy weight and not have any nasal discharge, puffy eyes, or any other signs of illness.
We will leave you with a few interesting facts about the Eastern Box Turtle to help decide if this is the right pet for you!
-They are North Carolina’s state reptile.
-Box Turtles are named for their ability to form a “box” by closing up the moving hinges on their undershells. They are the only Turtles that are able to do this.
-You can tell how old they are by counting the rings on their shell.
-Box Turtles enjoy cooked chicken and bananas, but these should only be given as an occasional treat.
-They have an internal homing ability, which allows them to find their way home no matter how far away they are! It’s thought they receive information from the Earth’s magnetic field.
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