File Transfer to Mobile & PC allows you share your files with another device easily.
It has inbuilt Storage option to fetch your files and share with another user.
File Transfer can also be used to share files with PC, it has it's own web page for file sharing.
Directly select files from storage or if you want to share videos/images you can select those directly too.
For connecting with other device easily File Transfer app has feature of QR Scanner. With help of that you can connect with other devices easily.
==> Some of the Features for File Transfer to Mobile & PC are as follow:-
-- Send and Receive all files (images, videos, document, etc)
-- List all nearby devices while scanning.
-- pair with sender device with help of QR code or IP Address of device.
-- get list of already connected devices in past.
-- Multiple drag selection for easy use.
-- user can select any file from storage and can share it to other devices.
-- Share on browser or share directly to device.
-- Start and stop button of web transfer.
-- Web transfer can be done when 2 devices are in same WiFi network or else PC is connected to the hotspot of the device.
-- For user convenience 3 separate columns are provided for accessing files. (Storage, Images, Videos)
==> Permissions used for app:-
-- Storage Access:- For displaying and sharing storage files.
-- Location Access:- For sharing files via WiFi - Mobile Hotspot.
-- Camera Access:- For scanning QR Scanner.
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