Original entertainment business simulation game, sign superstars, shoot classic movies, set box office records, run movie theaters, and become the number one director in the entertainment industry!
[How to shoot is up to you! ]
This is a free vertical casual simulation film industry management mobile game. You can experience the unique fun of film shooting, star development and competing for Oscar awards in a casual and relaxed game atmosphere. In addition, you can also run cinemas, invest in the film industry, build your own film empire, and become a dazzling film tycoon.
Found a film company and shoot classic movies
Play as a great director, find and train your favorite actors, choose a wonderful movie script, and then match the perfect cast to shoot a widely circulated movie masterpiece.
Promote movie reputation and create box office legends
Promote movies in different cities, build film offices, increase film schedules and screening revenue, and add to your film empire.
Upgrade cinema facilities and create movie legends
The old movie theater is on the verge of bankruptcy, and your arrival will reverse this situation. Unlock and upgrade the buildings of the cinema to improve the efficiency of film shooting and film revenue; build and manage your own cinema chain to provide perfect services to the audience, bringing you one step closer to the movie tycoon.
Compete for Oscars and become a film industry legend
The loftiest goal of great directors is to shoot legendary films that sparkle at the Oscars. By constantly honing your shooting skills, cultivating the best cast, and selecting the most exciting movie scripts, you can shoot the god-level blockbuster you want and win various awards. Every victory will bring you massive fame and wealth, making you and your movies an unattainable legend in the history of film.
※The content of this game involves puzzle entertainment and is classified as general level according to the software classification management method.
※This game is a free game. It also provides paid services such as virtual game currency and items. Please consume appropriately according to your interest and ability.
※This game is represented by Magic House Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd. If you have any questions, please contact the game customer service
◆Official information◆
Game official website: https://cinemas.gamasters.com
Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/dadaoyan
Official Discord: https://discord.gg/j3RXvUDKtC
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【遊戲簡介】《蒼天英雄誌》是開發團隊耗時2年半精心打造新型態三國RPG手機遊戲,從畫面到玩法全面升級,不但人物設計更加精美Q萌、戰鬥畫面熱血華麗,操作簡單充滿樂趣,還有每天超多免費元寶福利,輕鬆稱霸三國! 2017年稱霸韓國、越南、大陸..等國家最強三國RPG手機遊戲,火熱在台推出!★豪華日本知名聲優團隊配音★ 熊貓遊戲特別邀請日本頂級聲優助陣--釘宮理惠、內田真禮、松岡禎丞、下野紘等全程日語錄製配音,詮釋每位武將的究極奧義,玩家更能身歷其境享受遊戲磅礡故事劇情及副本內容!★福利滿載高階武將輕鬆取得★《蒼天英雄誌》每天都送給玩家豐富的免費元寶、虛寶,玩家可輕鬆取得許多高階橙色武將,超強的戰鬥力,陪伴玩家一路過關斬將,逐鹿中原,一統三國!★絢Q畫風碎屏特效即爽戰鬥★收錄上百位三國Q炫武將,日系精緻的人畫風,刻畫每位三國人物不同的風格! 加上超熱血的戰鬥畫面,對戰時武將騰空連擊必殺技,一氣呵成特效碎屏效果,帶給玩家最火熱的戰鬥樂趣。★語音社交輕鬆暢聊全服嗨翻★《蒼天英雄誌》除呈現三國劇情及世界觀外 ,特別採用語音與文字雙系統聊天模式,讓玩家在遊戲中能夠進行即時的互動,與其他玩家盡情交流切磋,互相聯絡感情,凝聚軍團玩家向心力!★輕鬆掌握遊戲終結爆肝熬夜★遊戲貼心設計的戰鬥加速、掃蕩等便捷功能,讓玩家不用再爆肝以及熬夜,快速升等橫掃挑戰副本,體會到健康遊戲帶來的樂趣!※本遊戲因涉及暴力(人物對戰及競技元素)、不當言語(劇情情境及角色性格等元素)、性(遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾)等情節,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※本軟體需使用安卓4.2以上版本※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。...
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上線就送2024抽和一千萬遊戲代幣!隨便「丸丸」也不會玩完~Let's GO BATTLE BATTLE!在枯燥的午後,你啟動遊戲,隨著遊戲畫面中的兩個丸子頭小萝莉一同成長與變強。她們決心聯手征戰比武大會而必須選出一名隊長,於是展開了一場PK大戰。就在此時,現實與遊戲世界交錯,你被卷入一場超現實的冒險,長大了的雙丸子頭們邀請你一同報名比武大會!踏入這個遊戲世界,你將遇到形形色色的武道家,和雙丸子頭們一起齊心協力擊退各路強敵,成為世界最強超級無敵武道家!【角色培養 瞬息變化】經典亂入,欸?! 這個角色也想要!50+位武道家輕鬆集齊突破,升階,修行,煉體,多種養成方式,等級跟隨升級毫無負擔 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)瞬息變態成超大隻,單挑還是一起上,看我把你打爆 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯【輕鬆護肝 帶你看好康的】超多好康登入盡享,耍廢也有得升!!...
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