★★★★★ Very useful app to prepare for competitive exams like upsc, ssc, bank p.o.
Prepare for any type of exam in marathi language, download this app now.
* 2000 + multiple choice questions in marathi
* marathi general knowledge & GK question answers.
* free to download.
* good for exams.
* more question answers added daily.
* correct answers given.
* no internet required, can be used offline.
* most downloaded app.
This app includes :
** history
** geography
** politics
** science
** tips and tricks
** mock test
general knowledge & GK questions are asked frequently in many Indian and international exams. everyone must have a good general knowledge, still if he or she is not preparing for any exams.
Reasoning 'tips and tricks' app helps the candidates who want to start...
This App is designed for those who want to learn mathematical tricks...
Math Tricks & Shortcuts for Competitive Exam app is a preparatory app...
Learning English could be easier if you initially get to know these...
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