Empower citizens by inviting them to participate bin process of direct democracy
Fidias App was developed by Mr. Fidias Panayiotou, a Member of the European Parliament, to assist him in promoting concepts of direct democracy during his service. The primary feature is voting for political issues. Fidias periodically shares challenges for voting at the European Parliament and commits to his supporters to vote following the great majority of his supporters.
Grobogan Smart City Mobile Application
Founded in 1992 as a domestic financial magazine, Korea Financial News provides in-depth, high-quality economic information through incisive analysis and forecasts across the entire economy.
Current information always within reach
For live breaking news, political, business, weather & sports analysis 24/7.
From a wide range of specialized information on agriculture, it is packed with JA and local agricultural initiatives. The app allows you to use a variety of services such as searching past articles and clipping functions.
SnapBytes Shorts News - Headlines in a Shorts, Stay Informed Anywhere
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