a)- Embryology
b)- Head & Neck
c)- Upper Limb
d)- Lower Limb
e)- Thorax
f)- Abdomen
Our Goal:
Our goal is to make everything easy for the medical students and whoever will be using this application.Our target is to have a good education and good doctors .Provision of images of related topics will provide explanations and further information of what the user is studying and that's our main target (STUDYING WITH UNDERSTANDING ).This mnemonic will be of great help to:
1.Medical Students
2.Other Health care Professions e.g Nursing and others
This application is only for educational purposes and pocket references. No part of this application should be copied or reproduced without written authority from the developer.
We would be grateful if you can forward your advices, suggestions and requests as this will help us to make the best possible application and of much greater benefits to all the users including yourself.
Lastly, Please Kindly rate Our app. to encourage us to do more and upgrade the already present ones. THANK YOU
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