Talkkang is an interactive lecture solution that overcomes the boredom of one-directional study materials and lectures by interacting with teacher through several innovative modules as real-time quiz, polls, chat and empathycons.
Such direct and indirect interactions will help teachers to monitor students' understanding in a real-time approach and achieve total knowledge covering.
Talkkang classes are knowledge-driven competition which will reward everyone for high activity and attention with scores and rankings, and now You can track and share achievements of your study.
Taught by best teachers and filled with knowledge pursuing students all over the world, Talkkang lectures will bring new air, lore and fun to your studying experience.
Although it is real time lecture video streaming service, you can always access library of replays of your favorite classes and teachers, where our smart algorithms will mark all important moments for you, and you can fully enjoy all the content of every past lectures as well.
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