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Liar's Dice King (大話骰王) Screenshot 0
Liar's Dice King (大話骰王) Screenshot 1
Liar's Dice King (大話骰王) Screenshot 2
Liar's Dice King (大話骰王) Screenshot 3
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About Liar's Dice King (大話骰王)

The caller tells how many face-up dice there are in the game.

The connecting person must satisfy that if (face up dice) remains unchanged, the base number of the dice must be larger than the original, or the base number of the same dice must be larger than the value of (face up dice).

The player can propose [Liar], if the calculation is equal to or greater than, the person who calls [Liar] loses, otherwise, it wins.

International competition rules

@The basic background of the game is the same as the above Hong Kong gameplay, but several rules are added.
@If the player believes that the upper house is lying, he can play a dice (Dudo). If it is found to be lying, he will lose one die. Otherwise, the one who opened the dice will lose one die.
@The player can also choose to call the same (Calza), and then if the points are the same, the player can add back one die, but the total number of die is limited to 5, that is, if the die is not lost, the same guess cannot be added. .
@If a player loses all the dice and then goes out, the last player present is the winner.

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大話骰(「大話」是粵語中的「謊話」),又稱「步步高陞」,在台灣叫「吹牛」,是一種骰子遊戲。遊戲的精采度在於你要猜想對方所擁有的骰子是甚麼,在配合自己的骰子來進行(吹牛).另外,大話骰在台灣也因為綜藝節目「小氣大財神」而非常流行,簡單易懂桌遊,受到大家的喜愛.遊戲規則@遊戲人數2人.@每人五顆骰子.@一在還沒被喊出時,可以代表任何點數.@順時鐘方向喊,X個Y(桌上有幾個骰子是同一面的).@ 如果Y不變的條件下,X的基數必須比原本的大,或是同樣的基數搭上其他的Y.@ 如果覺得不合理,玩家可以提出[開],若打開計算等於或是大於的話,就喊捉的人輸了,反之少於就為贏....




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