VE-Step Up For India enables volunteers to manage their teaching schedules
Step Up For India is a non-profit organisation that enables short on time volunteers to teach structured and modular custom designed programs to the underprivileged.
The VE-Step Up For India App is a free app that will make the teaching experience easier for volunteers. VE-Step Up For India stands for "Volunteer Empowerment (with) Step Up For India". The App empowers volunteers to:
-Choose and see their teaching schedule
-Get reminders about classes
-View real-time impact of their students
-See refresher videos that will aid them as they teach
-Sign-up to training workshops
Individuals interested to volunteer can register on the App. Once they are approved and trained by Step Up For India, they can select which sessions they want to teach. The App reminds them of the session they have to teach next based on their selections, along with location of school with map locations for directions. Also available to them are short training videos of segments they will teach in a particular session.
Volunteers can track their students’ progress across all the classes they are teaching currently and have taught in the past to see the powerful impact that they have made in their valuable volunteering time.
More information on Step Up For India can be found at
Step Up For India would love to hear from you. You can write to us at [email protected] if you wish to be part of this empowering movement.
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