Gps Distance and area calculator for land, Geo area measurement , Route finder
Area calculator for land is a area and perimeter measurement apps is a planimeter to measure distance of land on map, and collect ground samples. It is very easy to use and helpful to measure dimension of land on map. Measure estimate perimeter, perimeter instant to calculate outside of region, area or even country. After you are done dropping markers on the map this app will calculate total area/distance and show the exact distance/area on the field. You can also save the area or distance between multiple points on map and share that area on land with your friends and family. Your can enjoy area in multiple map view like satellite view , normal view and hybrid view. Also sensational view of earth map live . search multiple places on map and enjoy geo mapping.
Area calculator for land measurement has following unique features:
Very accurate area measurement, distance calculator , and surveyor app.
Save, share, edit and undo calculated area and distance
Able to resize area and custom area
Really fast area/distance marking.
Land metrology, measure field for farmer, calculate acreage on map.
Estimate distance and proximate distance with high accuracy.
Real-time tracking and calculation when moving in orbit around
Measurement Unit Changing Facility.
Compute on map with high accuracy fast and reliable
Map, Satellite, Terrain and Hybrid modes
Search places and find and find their geo area.
Driving Route navigation:
Geo area calculator is also able to provide you functionality of route finder on map . You can find out shortest distance between to location. Just type two location and find out shortest route on map. You can find out shortest distance between two point also by voice navigation .Just speak your desire place and find route. This is unique voice GPS driving direction feature in our app. Our app also provide you live traffic update to avoid from traffic jam.
Level Meter:
Level meter allow you to measure the degree of land, floor, any area of land in both horizontal and vertical plane. Its also helpful in sloop measurement. A level Meter, spirit level or simply a spirit is an instrument designed to indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb).
Live Earth Map:
Satellite map view street live combine with live map data enable user to gain powerful insight to their location. You can explore the world into single click by global live earth map, map planet, satellite view to see clear street earth view with routes and navigation.
Around Me:
You can find out nearby places around you like (ATM, School, bank, colleges, universities, workshops, gas station, hospitals subway, airport, shopping mall).
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