A simple memory notebook that remembers all the ‘tip of your tongue’ moments.
This is a simple memory notebook that remembers all the ‘tip of your tongue’ moments.
Ever been in a situation where you were trying to recall a song, a name, a conversation, an event, or a word/phrase, but couldn’t?
If you are struggling to keep track of and/or recall things, you can use this app as a memory notebook to keep track of your thoughts. Writing things down helps you to process the information in your brain and recall it more easily.
Every time you have a ‘tip of your tongue’ moment, just write down the question associated with it. You can then jot down the answer as and when you recall it.
Over time, you will have an objective gauge of whether your memory lapses are getting more frequent. Many times, a lapse in memory can also be caused by fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress, lack of exercise or lack of mental stimulation. It might also be an indicator of some health problems.
This app allows you to be mindful of what you are trying to recall, as well as keep track of the frequency of your memory lapses.
You can also give tags to each question, then filter by search terms or by tags to quickly recall and find previous questions you entered.
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观音100灵签:用于求签和解签,并且可以抽取从文庙获得的签诗。只需在此应用程序上选择从庙里抽到的签号,即可显示相应的签诗翻译和解释。询问日常、爱情婚姻、工作求职、创业事业、考试竞赛、升迁竞选、投资理财、经商生意、房地交易、治病健康、求孕求子、官司诉讼、寻人寻物、远行出国和其他方面的运势。 使用说明:1. 打开“观音100灵签”应用程序,选择“抽签”功能。2. 轻轻晃动您的设备或点击“直接抽签”按钮以抽取一支签。3. 应用程序将自动转到“解签”页面,显示签诗和解签释义。如果您想直接解释某个签号,请按以下步骤:1. 打开“观音100灵签”应用程序,选择“解签”功能。2. 从100支签中选择您想要解签的签号。3. 应用程序将自动转到“解签”页面,显示签诗和解签释义。注意!请注意!本应用程序仅供娱乐和参考之用,不应被用于做出重要的决策。尽管该应用程序提供了有关各种问题的解答,但您不应依赖它做出任何重大决定。在做出任何决策前,请先咨询专业人士的建议。 什么是观音灵签?观音签是一种佛教/道教仪式,目的是向菩萨观音请示一项问题或祈求。这一仪式需要使用一个编号为100的竹签筒和一对“筊杯”。筊杯是一对月形的木块,一面是凸的,一面是平的。信众在祈求菩萨观音后,取出签筒和筊杯,前往佛堂。首先要用筊杯确定菩萨观音是否愿意回答信众的问题,抛掷筊杯直到一面平的和一面凸的朝上。(求签之前,先确认神明是否在案前,需求得一圣杯,若求到阴杯或是笑杯,则再重覆此步骤。)信众在心中想好自己的问题或祈愿,同时摇动签筒,等到一根竹签自筒中掉出。接下来,再抛掷一对筊杯,以确定签的有效性。如果一面平的和一面凸的朝上,表示签有效,菩萨观音已经回答了信众的问题。(“圣筊”:呈现一凸、一平,表示 神明圣裁「对、好、可以」。)如果两面凸的朝上,表示签无效,信众的问题在近期内不应再次提出。(“阴筊”:呈现凸、凸,表示 神明圣裁「不对、不好、不可以」。依循传统,凡是重大事情获阴筊时,不宜于短期内再请筊。)如果两面平的朝上,表示问题不够明确或者还没有决定,信众可以重新摇筒抽签。这种情况也可能出现在信众已经有了心中的答案或者知道时机还不成熟的情况下。(“笑筊”:呈现平、平,表示陈述不清楚无法裁示。另外,若信徒明知机缘不具足,仍然抱持请示看看的心态;或信徒自有主张、已有定数,实在是多此一问的情况下,都会获得笑筊。)确认有效的签之后,信众可以从庙里领取相应签号的求签诗。每首签诗都是由28个字组成的诗歌,具有特定的含义。这首诗词可以从庙里免费提供的书籍(英文和中文)中解读。观音堂佛祖庙是新加坡一座受欢迎的宗教场所。这座庙宇专为菩萨观音而设,观音被崇尚为慈悲菩萨。许多信徒前来向观音献供、祈求平安,抽签解难。此应用适用于翻译从这庙所抽的签欢迎使用此应用程序,祝您好运安康!...
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