Whats Web for WhatsApp, Use the same account for WhatsApp on multiple devices.
Whats Web for WhatsApp is all-in-one tool for Whatsapp related features. Whats Scan Web is an app to scan for Whatsapp Web QR codes to link and run the same WA account on two devices. It is a whatsweb scanner for linked devices for whatsapp feature.
Whats Web for WhatsApp tool offers various features for Whatsapp status and videos saver You can share your friends status videos on your WA account.
Whats Web for WhatsApp app gives you feature for Whatsapp Cleaner to remove unused files, images, documents, videos, gifs, audios & more. It cleans up local storage in your device. Free up your storage now!
WhatsWeb for Whatsapp is a whatwhats web app provides an in-built QR Code Scanner. Using Qr scanner, you can scan QR codes faster and generate your custom QR codes as per needs. It is indeed for whatsappwhats web for linked devices for whatsapp functionality.
Send Direct Chat message to for Whatsapp number without saving it using the Direct Chat option for whatsapp web scan app. You can use this app same as whatsweb for pc.
Useful Features of the Whats Web for WhatsApp tool app:
✅ For Whatsapp Web Scanner: Whatsweb for Whatscan
✅ For Whatsapp status & videos saver
✅ Direct Chat message to any number without saving it
✅ For Whatsapp cleaner tool to free up storage space
✅ QR Code Scanner, Barcode Reader, Free QR code generator
✅ Useful in linked devices for whatsapp
✅ Works well for whatsweb scan and whatsweb for pc
Whats Scan Web App is the highly useful Whatsweb Pro app for whatsapp 2. Enjoy running the same for whatsapp account on two devices at the same time. This is useful for businessmen. You can also run multiple Whats accounts from the same mobile as well using this Whatsweb Scan app. This app helps for whatsapp web scanner in whatsweb for pc as well.
If you love our Whatsweb Scanner for Whatsapp tool app, then please rate this app on Google Play Store. You can share your suggestions/opinion with us via email. Share this Whatsweb scanner app with your friends and family.
Disclaimer: Whats Web for WhatsApp app is created & managed by us. It is neither an official for WhatsApp application nor associated with official for WhatsApp or for Facebook. We respect the privacy of the app users.
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