SpaceAge 1.43
Online spacecraft battle game based on uMMORPG
User Host(Server) System port 8777
If you see the advertisement of the ADS button, the Host button is activated.
You can run your own private server.
After entering the IP address of the private host on the login screen, use the << button to
You can connect to a private server by adding a private server IP and selecting a server.
[<<] button long click - reset
Chat window on the game screen
[Menu] button - AdminTool
[ X ] button - Game Quit
(A). Zone
1. Safe Zone
Safe area, Using the console system
2. Live Zone (Low Level)
An area where the Earth's life forms, where beginners fight
3. Space Zone (Low Level~High Level)
Connected to PK-capable areas and space center occupied by alien life forms
4. Under Zone (Middle Level)
Underground cave area
54. Mech Zone (High Level)
Powerful robot area
(B). Menu Button
[I] Inventory [E] Equipment [C] Charactor [N] Notice
[S] Skills [Q] Quests [P] Party [G] Guild
(C). Console Button
Buy&Sell, Auction, Crafting System, Daily Reward, Guild, Revive
(D). Items
1. SpaceCraft Item - AstroEagle, StarSparrow, SpaceWar, CosmicShark, ForceBadger,
LightFox, HyperFalcon, GalaxyRaptor, NightAye, MeteorMantis, CraizanStar,
SpaceSphinx, AlienSpaceship, GalacticLeopard, VoidWhale
2. Attack Item - Bullet, Sphere, Sharp, Rocket, LaserSmall, Laser, Laserbolt,
Plasma, Fireball, Sparkler, Lightning, RingMissile, Shockwave
3. Defense Item - Iron, Silver, Golden, GoldAlloy, Carbon, Ceramic, Magnesium, Titanium, Platinum, Osmium
4. Crafting Item - Recipe Max Oil, Recipe Pet Oil
5. Oil Item - Health Oil, Mana Oil, Mix Oil, Max Oil, Pet Oil
(E), Crafting System
(F), Auction System
(G). Skill System
(H). Pet System
SpaceBot, KingCobra, Magma, Golem, Dragon, AssultMech, MechRobot-A,MechRobot-B,MechRobot-C,MechRobot-D, Legend Dragon
(I) RewardAds - Daily Reward
(J) Drop Item
1. Diamond - Spider, Wolf
2. Blue Diamond - Treant
3. Red Diamond - TreasureChest
*. Information
1. To access the game, you need a Google Play Game ID.
2. Game data of users who have not accessed for more than 30 days will be automatically deleted.
3. Data stored in the game host (server) may be changed or deleted by the game host operator.
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