What are Demand-side Platforms(DSPs)?

Demand-side platforms (DSPs) enable advertisers to manage more than one advertising account with their software. Real-time bidding takes place within the ad exchanges where marketers can bid for displaying online advertising. This in turn helps them to manage and track the cost per click for each of the ads displayed on their sites. This type of management offers marketers greater control over their advertising costs, but it also means that they must have an in-depth knowledge of each of the individual software programs.

Advertising workflow

The Demand Side Platform software provides a means for advertisers to manage more than one advertising campaign at a time. It also makes it easier for advertisers to gain insight into campaign performance. DSPs are ideal for any ecommerce site because they let advertisers build, deploy, and track their own campaigns. Because the DSP only displays relevant ads, advertisers have greater control over where and how they advertise. In essence, a Demand Side Platform offers advertisers greater control over their advertising program, but at a lower cost.

When a Demand Side Platform provider decides that campaign will be the most effective for their business, they also take several other factors into consideration. Once these decisions have been made, the platform provider allows the advertiser to effectively control the campaigns across multiple devices. Many providers also enable the advertiser to test and tweak campaigns to find out which devices and geography will produce the best results.